Saturday, December 15, 2007

League, My

I proudly claim my place among the socially timid; my behavior can often be strange mix of raucousness and anxiety. I tend to enter gatherings as if I were a one man expedition team, mapping, gathering samples and rocks of sorts, and running tests. Unfortunately, disaster always somehow strikes, forcing me to evacuate the site without the data in tow. Perhaps I can blame myself for never having an interest in partaking many popular activities, such as drinking, wearing fake sea-shell necklaces, and using hair gel. I tend to do my own thing. I've fallen into many categories, and social butterfly has never really stuck. I enjoy sharing dialog with others, do not get me wrong, but unfortunately it is more complex than that. It seems people are very quick to refuse that which is unordinary. I think it is pretty well gathered that I am not conventional. I think I am more of an unconventioneer.

With that said, I had a pretty big gig last night. A friend of mine is shoving off to lands afar, and wanted to throw one final show before leaving this town and this continent. He kindly requested that I open, and I accepted. My set was very unique for me, involving a few never-before-heard mocks that I've been working on, and a few Weird Al Yankovic covers. I thought the selection was top-notch, and I painstakingly dubbed the tracks to filter out the main vocals, creating a karaoke CD. By the second song, it seemed many individuals were frightened, disturbed, or a combination of the two plus bored. I went in with massive energy, and ended up slouched in the corner by the end. It was disappointing, and difficult to trudge through, but I did nonetheless. Some had told me they loved it. Was that to pull my frangible self-esteem off the floor, or did they actually listen?

Enough wallowing, I think. If I enjoy something, I will do it. If it cannot be understood, so be it. In the words of Slartibartfast, or perhaps I should credit Douglass Adams; I'd far rather be happy than right any day.


Anonymous said...

"Perhaps I can blame myself for never having an interest in partaking many popular activities, such as drinking, wearing fake sea-shell necklaces, and using hair gel. I tend to do my own thing. I've fallen into many categories, and social butterfly has never really stuck. I enjoy sharing dialog with others, do not get me wrong, but unfortunately it is more complex than that. It seems people are very quick to refuse that which is unordinary. I think it is pretty well gathered that I am not conventional. I think I am more of an unconventioneer."

Well said. Very funny but this is true. That's why I liked you so much by the way, and obviously still do. ;)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.