Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Have Lists

There's so much I've been wanting to talk about. Ray Kurzweil, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Jack Thompson and his attempt to blame video games on yet another tragic shooting, my recent excursions to the laundromat… And while these topics may be very fascinating, I've been so busy scheduling my life that I haven't had time to do anything.

I'm beginning to see a pattern here. I can safely say one of my specialties is having no ability to dispatch my free time. Perhaps my discovery of Fark, Digg, and Youtube play a role in hindering my productivity, but I have no actual facts to back that up. I've started to build massive lists, tasks, and lifestyle elements to adhere to. My Outlook .pst file is probably nearing it's limit, despite the fact that I don't download my mail through Outlook. I enjoy having a managed array of structure in my life. It never keeps me from slacking off, but at least I get something done by the end of the day. I plan on buying a small filing cabinet with forty-three folders in it. Perhaps I've been holding onto these tiny quirks far too long. I've discovered that once I begin to delve deep into the world of calendars and tentative appointments and priority statuses, I become a tad bit obsessed. Due to a few follow-up tasks I put in one of my personal to-do lists, I've managed to get myself a new part time job, at the cost of a few hours of sleep. Throwing this all into an excel document, the results clearly state that I am screwed.

Perhaps I am hatching into a yuppie. I do own a bluetooth earpiece for my fancy Windows Mobile Smartphone. Let's hope it is just a phase. I have scheduled an hour next Wednesday to ponder this, but I may have to move it… hold on, I've got to take this call.

Before I head out for the night and face the cold to play for the townies on the icy streets of Oneonta, I'd like to drop a link to a fantastic site I first stumbled upon a few months ago. I've made it one of my dailies, and I hope you do too. Anchor Marta Costello sums up the day's Gnooze (the G is silent) in about three minutes. Marta lays the news down in her own words (often through some of the best paraphrasing known to man) for a very fresh take on comedy news casting. I predict she will someday be the third installment of the Stewart-Colbert-Costello Trifecta that has been prophesized since the dawn of ages. This is what the Internet is all about, people. Check it out.